Format input text content when you are typing.
Please note, this field depend on the following library:
Special properties of field
Property | Default | Accepted values | Description |
| none | Indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser. | |
| Settings to select component. See details below. |
| none |
| Placeholder text for input field |
| If true, the input field is read only |
For more details, see the official cleave.js documentation.
Property | Default | Accepted values | Description |
| Enable to trigger credit card shortcut mode. It detects credit card type dynamically and automatically by checking card IIN. |
| none |
| A callback triggered after credit card type changes. The unique |
| Enable to trigger phone shortcut mode. This phone mode has to be used together with |
| none |
| Indicates the country region code for phone number formatting. You can find your country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 list. |
| Indicates if this is a date input field. Enable to trigger date shortcut mode. |
| Indicates the date pattern. Since it's an input field, leading 0 before date and month is required. To indicate what patterns it should apply, you can use: 'Y', 'y', 'm' and 'd'. |
| Indicates if this is a numeral input field. Enable to trigger numeral shortcut mode. |
| Indicates the thousands separator grouping style. |
| Indicates the numeral decimal scale. |
| Indicates the numeral decimal mark. Decimal mark can be different in handwriting, and for delimiter as well. |
| indicates the groups to format the input value. It will insert delimiters in between these groups. This option is ignored by |
| a space or |
| Indicates the delimiter to use in formatting. |
| Indicates the multiple delimiters to use in formatting. This option is ignored by |
| Indicates the prepend string. It can't be removed or changed in the input field. |
| Indicates if it only allows numeric letters (0-9). Ignored by creditCard and date shortcuts mode, the value will always be true. |
| Indicates if it converts value to uppercase letters. |
| Indicates if it converts value to lowercase letters. |
Credit card number formatting:
Phone number formatting:
Date formatting:
Numeral formatting:
Custom formatting:
Last updated