
This is simple list of radio buttons to select

Special properties of field


It can be an array with items, or a Function then returns an array of items. The items can be a String, Boolean, Number or an Object (see below). |

Item Object

You can change value and name (under radiosOptions) to select any properties of that object as the value or name.

If disabled is set to a function, it will be passed a reference to the model



Radios field with array of strings:

    type: "radios",
    label: "Very best friend",
    model: "friend",
    values: [

Radios field with object values:

    type: "radios",
    label: "Choose you product color",
    model: "color",
    values: [
        { name: "Deep Pink", value:"#FF1493" },
        { name: "Peach Puff", value:"#FFDAB9" },
        { name: "Dark Orange", value:"#FF8C00", disabled: (model) => { 
            if(model.disableOrange) { return true; } 
            return false; 
        { name: "Light Green", value:"#90EE90", disabled: true }

Radios field with custom object values:

    type: "radios",
    label: "Identify the dolphin's name from the photo",
    model: "dolphin",
    values: [
        { common_name: "White-beaked dolphin", binomial_nomenclature:"Lagenorhynchus albirostris" },
        { common_name: "Peale's dolphin", binomial_nomenclature:"Lagenorhynchus australis" },
        { common_name: "Northern right whale dolphin", binomial_nomenclature:"Lissodelphis borealis" },
        { common_name: "Common bottlenose dolphin", binomial_nomenclature:"Tursiops truncatus" },
        { common_name: "Long-beaked common dolphin", binomial_nomenclature:"Delphinus capensis" },
        { common_name: "Pacific white-sided dolphin", binomial_nomenclature:"Lagenorhynchus obliquidens" },
        { common_name: "Pantropical spotted dolphin", binomial_nomenclature:"Stenella attenuata" },
        { common_name: "Chilean dolphin", binomial_nomenclature:"Cephalorhynchus eutropia" }
    radiosOptions: {


The is-checked and is-disabled CSS classes are attached to the radio options <label /> element when applicable.

Last updated